Regression Analysis for Statistics & Machine Learning in R
Learn Complete Hands-On Regression Analysis for Practical Statistical Modelling and Machine Learning in R
INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE: The Key Concepts and Software Tools
FREE PREVIEWData For the Course
Difference Between Statistical Analysis & Machine Learning
Getting Started with R and R Studio
Reading in Data with R
Data Cleaning with R
Some More Data Cleaning with R
Basic Exploratory Data Analysis in R
Conclusion to Section 1
OLS Regression - Theory
OLS - Implementation
More on Result Interpretations
Confidence Interval - Theory
Calculate the Confidence Interval in R
Confidence Interval and OLS Regressions
Linear Regression without Intercept
Implement ANOVA on OLS Regression
Multiple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear regression with Interaction and Dummy Variables
Some Basic Conditions that OLS Models Have to Fulfill
Conclusions to Section 2
Identify Multicollinearity
Doing Regression Analyses with Correlated Predictor Variables
Principal Component Regression in R
Partial Least Square Regression in R
Ridge Regression in R
LASSO Regression
Conclusion to Section 3
Why Do Any Kind of Selection?
Select the Most Suitable OLS Regression Model
Select Model Subsets
Machine Learning Perspective on Evaluate Regression Model Accuracy
Evaluate Regression Model Performance
LASSO Regression for Variable Selection
Identify the Contribution of Predictors in Explaining the Variation in Y
Conclusions to Section 4
Data Transformations
Robust Regression-Deal with Outliers
Dealing with Heteroscedasticity
Conclusions to Section 5
What are GLMs?
Logistic regression
Logistic Regression for Binary Response Variable
Multinomial Logistic Regression
Regression for Count Data
Goodness of fit testing
Conclusions to Section 6
Work With Non-Parametric and Non-Linear Data
Polynomial and Non-linear regression
Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) in R
Boosted GAM Regression
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)
Machine Learning Regression-Tree Based Methods
CART-Regression Trees in R
Conditional Inference Trees
Random Forest (RF)
Gradient Boosting Regression
ML Model Selection
Conclusions to Section 7
Minerva Singh
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